AliBritschgi, Certified Health Coach 209-642-7084

Get Healthy. Save Money.

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Meet Health Coach Ali

Ali has lost more than 50 pounds and finally has a healthy Body Mass Index (BMI). After years of yo-yo dieting, Ali has lost more than 50 pounds and is finally able to keep it off. Now she helps others to incorporate healthy habits into daily life and achieve optimal health.

I thought being overweight was something I would struggle with all my life. My mom had weight issues, my sisters had weight issues, and I had weight issues. We all seemed to have the “fat” gene and diabetes seemed to “run in the family”.

Ali now maintaining a healthy weight for several yearsPersonally, I read lots of books and tried most every diet out there to lose weight and improve my health. In recent years, my husband and I would eat mainly low-carb, low fat, sugar-free foods and faithfully visit our local health food store for vitamins and herbal remedies. Overall, these choices kept us quite healthy when it came to common viruses that would impact the people around us, but my weight just wouldn’t budge.

I knew that I needed more guidance and structure, so on April 18, 2008 I joined a well-known weight loss group and started counting points, attending weekly weigh-in meetings, and embracing their philosophies. Since we are always told that “diet and exercise” are important factors in losing weight, I also joined a gym and began exercising three times a week.

Even with all of this effort, my progress was slow and a real struggle. I wanted to give up, but I was determined to lose weight so I stuck with it. In eight long months I lost 32.4 pounds (about one pound per week).

Month after month I kept up my battle against any increase to my weight. Every week I weighed myself. For several months my weight fluctuated between 114.4 to 119.8 pounds while I measured and counted everything I put in my mouth. Although I couldn’t get my weight down to my goal, I did feel better, and remained determined to never put my health at risk by gaining more weight.

Ali before losing weightSince I felt better after losing this weight, I encouraged my mother to join the same weight-loss group. After following their guidelines for a period of time – meticulously counting and measuring all her food – she had no change in her weight.

Discouraged and experiencing a lot of knee and leg pain from carrying so much extra weight, she was about to give up. But in October 2009 she found a nutrition program that promised quick results with typical weight loss of up to 2 to 5 pounds per week! The key was to eating the right foods six times a day with only a little bit of measuring and no counting!

The lady explaining this program had personally lost a lot of weight following these principles – and had kept it off for years. She introduced us to several other local people that were having similar results with this program. After researching the program a little more, my mom decided that she wouldn’t know if it would work for her unless she tried it herself, so she decided to try it for 30 days.

My mom before and now.My mom saw immediate results! Since the program’s information was not translated into my mom’s native Spanish, I was by her side translating and explaining the principles involved. And I was watching my mother’s health improve and her body transform as the weight melted away.

Now I had to try it for myself.

In just two weeks I lost the additional weight that wouldn’t budge for over a year. Before I had plateued when I was counting points, it had taken me over three months to lose this same amount of weight!

Now I was full of energy! The food filled my body with a balance of essential vitamins and minerals, so I felt great. By using this program, I have developed the habit of eating small healthy meals every 2 or 3 hours. For the first time in my life I have a healthy BMI.

It’s so easy now. No more struggling to keep the weight off.

After this experience, I decided to become a Certified Health Coach and help both English and Spanish speaking persons to improve their health and lose weight. So far, I have had the privelege of helping several people around the country to get healthy.

If you or someone you know is struggling with their weight, please contact me so that I can help.


Related Links

Meet My Mom and Hear Her Story (video)

Ali Featured on Univision 19

Mom's Illness Sparks Desire to Fight the Fat -- Already-busy Lodi woman becomes coach

Nearly 300 Attend Hispanic Childhood Obesity Event

Health Coach Ali Receives Award


Results vary. Typical weight loss is 2-5 lbs per week for the first 2 weeks and 1-2 lbs per week thereafter.

Copyright © 2009-2013 Alejandrina Britschgi, Certified Health Coach. All rights reserved.
Site last updated: August 5, 2013